Item Types are categories that items will be grouped in.

The order Item Types are set here will dictate the order they are in throughout the program.

Create a new Item Type

  • In the Left Navigation click ‘Admin’.
  • Click ‘Item Types / Templates’.
  • In the dropdown at the top of the page, select a Client Type.
  • In the Specification Type dropdown to the right, select the Specification Type to add Item Types to.
  • Click ‘Create New Item Type’.
  • In the grid, click in the blank row at the top, type in the Item Type name.

    Tab to the ‘Item Type Code’ row. Enter a Code that will represent the prefix for the Control #.

    • ie. Casegoods – CG
    • Upholstery – UPH
    • Seating – CH

    By selecting Unit of Measure from the dropdown (which is populated in Admin>Units of Measure) a UOM can be assigned to that Item Type so that when the User writes the Spec, they won’t have to select it.

    ie. Upholstery can be assigned ‘Yards’ as its UOM so the User won’t have to select it every time.

  • Check the ‘Upholstery / Attachable Spec Sheet’ checkbox ONLY if this is Upholstery or an Item Type that can be attached to another Item Type.

    ie. Check it if it’s Upholstery, but NOT if it’s the chair it’s going on.

  • Click Save.